



BEEP Sessions

BEEP is an acronym; Build, Encourage, Empower & Promote
We set up and run weekly group work sessions for girls using the Youth Star model.

Programme Overview:

  • Introduction – Setting the stage and understanding group expectations.
  • Communication – Delving into the nuances of effective communication.
  • Online Safety – Addressing challenges and ensuring a safe digital footprint.
  • Education & Work – Exploring its significance and potential obstacles.
  • Choices & Behavior – Reflecting on personal values and influences.
  • Well-being – Understanding relationships, including topics like teen abuse and consent.
  • Personal Growth – Self-esteem, inner voice, and identity.
  • Future Aspirations – Mapping out goals and the paths to achieve them.
  • Evaluation – Reflecting on the journey and gathering feedback.
  • Customised plans – The session outline above can create a bespoke package that will meet the needs of your selected group available

Sessions are most effective with diverse peer groups, allowing participants to step outside their comfort zones and build bonds within the group. Our needs include a room equipped with a flip chart or whiteboard, and for the well-being session, we will share a video with the group.

Additional Services:

  • Career Guidance and Consultation
  • One-on-One Solution Focused Brief Therapy
  • Individual Protective Behaviour Sessions

While promoting open dialogue, we uphold the highest standards of confidentiality, promptly addressing any safeguarding concerns with the school.


  • Group sessions: £35 per pupil/session
  • Individual sessions: £45/session

Nurturing Strengths, Fostering Dreams: The BEEP Project’s Commitment to Young Women’s Holistic Growth

Our seasoned professionals possess vast knowledge and expertise, enabling them to assist young women in realizing and pursuing their aspirations. Participants delve into six key developmental areas by engaging in group work, fostering confidence, self-esteem, and introspection.

Recognizing the imperative role of early intervention, we address academic achievements and other critical facets like emotional wellness, social skills, and identity, all vital to a young person’s holistic development.

We invite young women to join our bespoke program, which will be led by two skilled facilitators, based on the youth star model. While school settings offer familiar adult figures, external support from our team often paves the way for an open, relaxed atmosphere, encouraging candid self-expression.

Get In Touch To Find Out More